Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Sadie Saga!!

So here is just a quick update on my sweet Sissy.......We took her to Primary Children's Hospital two days ago to meet with the Urologist. She has to stay on antibiotics until they can do surgery on July 21st. They will have to cut both of her ureters from her bladder and reattach them. She will be in the hospital for 3-5 days and her recovery will be 1-2 weeks after that.


  1. oh no! My heart aches for you chels (and sweet little sadie) :( our prayers are going out to you. love ya

  2. Im so sorry that she has to go through this....I hope you felt good about the check up and the surgery....nothing is harder than seeing your kidlins sick....I hope this will go well look for the miracles:)

  3. That sounds terrible and so painful! We'll keep her in our prayers! We love you guys! Can we do anything to help?

  4. I am soooo glad that they found out what the heck was going on. We love you all take care.
