Thursday, July 1, 2010

Park City- get-a-way

When we took Sis to the doctor, our good friends Pete, Melissa, and baby Rylan, brought Tuck with them and met us at their time share at the Canyons in Park City. It was a ton of fun and just relaxing. We swam, slept in, went on the gondola and had lunch at the top of the Mountain. Thank you so much for the great get-a-way Pete and Melissa.

I love the beautiful Mountains!!
Just enjoying the ride!

The cute Mittank family!!

Sorry I cannot figure out how to get my pictures to not go sideways, any ideas??

The kids had fun playing on top of the fireplace....silly kids!


  1. nice....I hope good things are happening with little far as I know you have to edit the pics when you down load them.If I can do it anybody can:)

  2. chels! i miss your gorgeous face so much! the mountains are beautiful...thanks for sharing the pics. seriously, the biggest mountain i've seen in columbus was a 10 foot pile of dirt. not joking! love ya!

  3. We are going to see you tomorrow...Sure do love and miss you. You have a CUTE family that is for sure.
