Since we have been home from the hospital it has been a bit of a challenge. Sadie was so sick of taking medicine that she would literally throw up the loratab as soon as she would swallow it. And then on Saturday she started complaining that her mouth hurt and she would cry when she would try drinking or eating because she said that it hurt. At first I thought that maybe she was just a bit dehydrated and that her mouth was just dry so I just kept on trying to get her to drink. Then by Sunday morning she was complaining that her bum hurt (to a 3 year old that could mean any number of things hurt)...Anyway I figured it was just from her surgery, but then I decided to take a closer look...she was developing a small rash on her bum so I put desitin on it...Well to make a long story short-she was miserable and by Monday afternoon all of the skin had peeled off of her bum and surrounding areas and was cherry red, and her mouth was on fire. So on Tuesday we took her to the pediatrician. She had a serious infection going on and he put her on 5 different prescriptions and sent us home. So on Wednesday and Thursday it seemed as if everything was getting back under control. But just our luck...Thursday night was horrible and she slept a total of 1 hour and she was in excruciating pain and she refused to pee. She went 12 hours without peeing and there was nothing I could do to help her. The loratab didn't do anything for her pain. So Friday morning I called out to Primary Children's and they are assuming that she has another urinary tract infection which must be a different strand then the previous UTIs because she is on antibiotics for UTIs. Anyway so they told us to go to her pediatrician in Vernal and have them do an urinalysis and culture and have the results sent to them. So that's what we did and we will get the results either tomorrow or Monday...But we did find out that she has an ear infection as well now. This poor little girl just can't seem to catch a break and I am just tired!!
Oh the joys of 'being home'.