Wyatt Tanner Davis born on April 4th, 2011 at 7:16 pm. He weighed 6 pounds and 19 inches long. We love him so much and are so glad that he is here!

I look like a mess in this picture, that's because I was...I was so emotional and just completely overjoyed!!

Daddy just cannot get enough of our sweet baby.

On Monday morning we went in for induction at 37 weeks pregnant. I was dialated to a 3 when we got there and they started pitocin at about 10:15am....We waited the day out and I progressed quite well. I got an epidural and Doctor Breitenbach broke my water. For some reason I cried all day long and I could not pull myself together. I had the most wonderful nurse in the whole world, Paula. Paula is also Doctor Breitenbach's wife and was just wonderful. She really didn't leave my room the whole day and she sat and cried with me and was so compassionate. I was really hoping to have the baby by 6pm since that is when she got off. But she ended up staying with me until after the bitter end, which was so sweet. Anyway, at around 7-8 cm dialated I started feeling a lot of pain so they came and dosed my epidural and for some reason it didn't do anything...and then it was shift change for the anesthesiologist....Dr. B came in and I was dialated to a 8-9 and he said that he was going to go home to exercise and he would be back in an hour. About 5 minutes after he walked out the contractions became unbearable and I went ballistic. I hated every second of it and really thought that I couldn't handle it, but I didn't exactly have a choice....Paula was so wonderful and stayed right there by me. They called for more drugs but it took awhile for him to come and in the mean time I was 'complete'. So of course they called Dr. B back and before we knew it I was ready to start pushing. I have had quite a bit of pain in my life but nothing compares to the pain that I felt at this time. The anesthesiologist got there and started pushing drugs but they didn't do a bit of good. Once I started pushing I at least had a purpose so it seemed to help me focus better. Paula kept on saying take a deep breath and a big push for the baby....This seemed to really help to be enduring the pain for the baby instead of feeling sorry for my self because this is NOT the way that I wanted it to go....Luckily I have babies pretty fast and didn't have to push for too long before Wyatt made his appearance....The doctor asked if I wanted some other kind of drugs before he stitched me up, but the pain of him sewing me was way less than the delivery so I told him to just go ahead. About the time the doctor was ready to get me cleaned up my legs went extreamly numb but nothing else really. Anyway Wyatt is here so that is all that matters...But it was honestly one of the worst best days of my life.
We had to stay in the hospital for two nights because Wyatt had to be on oxygen for about 8 hours. He then needed to be monitored and was having a hard time keeping his body temperature up. He has also had a hard time trying to figure out how to eat, but the last day he has finally figured it out and is doing great! We love this little guy and are so blessed to have hime in our family. He is so sweet and loves to cuddle!! Tuck and Sadie absolutely adore him and are going to be great siblings.