So on Tuesday I was painting at the condos and Tanner was watching the kids. They wanted to go sledding so he took them up to the big hill by Chris and Janalee's house like we always do. The weather had been really warm for the days previous so a lot of snow had melted but then it had froze again. But Sadie got in the sled and went down all by herself (the first run of the day) and because it had melted and froze it was extremely slick. She cruised down so fast that she went all the way to the condos and hit into the picnic table and barbecue.
I was in the room by where she hit and I heard a thud so I went running out and then she started screaming. I ran over to her and there was blood gushing from her mouth and then I picked her up and the blood started coming from her nose and then as she cried it came from inside her eye as tears. My mom and Camille grabbed a washcloth and we put it on her but as seconds went by her eye, nose, and head started swelling really big so Tanner and I jumped in the car and asked mom and Camille to take care of Tuck and we headed to Vernal to the ER. Tanner sat in the back and held Sissy and I drove so that I wouldn't get car sick. After the 40 minute drive we finally got to the hospital and Sis had fallen asleep. So we took her in and the bleeding had pretty much stopped but she is very shy and it is like torture for her if people look at her or talk to her. As we walked in she started crying again because she didn't want the doctor to see her. They did all the usual stuff to check her out and then they took her in for a CT scan. (This was the worse part) She cried and screamed and didn't want to be strapped to the table. It took FOREVER to get the pictures because she kept on moving. In the meantime I am bawling and Tanner is feeling terrible!! Anyway after hours of being in the hospital we found out that she had a concussion and a small hairline fracture between her nose and her cheek in her sinus. The doctor didn't want us to be more than 5 minutes from the hospital in case her symptoms got worse so we got a hotel room.
My Sweet Sister Maretta kept Tuck and Lily and our Dear friends Pete and Melissa took care of our other animals. We feel so blessed to have so many family and friends that we love and can turn to. So many of you called and sent messages and prayed for us that we are so grateful. Thank You!!
The next day we went to a pediatrician to have her checked out again and he told us everything to watch for and gave us the green light to go home. So these pictures are the day we came home.