I got these pictures completely out of order but oh wells.....Every year we get the opportunity of going to Park City for a little R&R. My mom and dad have a time share at the Marriot so they reserve 2 weeks and we all get to go enjoy whenever we can during that time. This year the days that we went were in the first week of November, which turned out perfectly because in Heber they were doing there huge cowboy gathering filled with lots of entertainment, booths, food, and fun. So we took advantage of the fun festivities!!
It was really dark in the auditorium but this is a picture of the Bar J Wranglers. We love them so we couldn't miss seeing them!

So this guy was just plain nuts (in case you can't tell by his face). But this is on the Heber train. There was all kinds of entertainment for over 2 hours while we rode on the train. It was so much fun and the kids were angels.

This guy asked Tuck to come up and help him play the violin, it was so funny and Tuck was so serious about his job of plucking the string:)

Before we got on the train we enjoyed hanging out. It was such a beautiful day and they had chili, cinnamon rolls, hot chocolate, and lots of fun entertainment.